Where to start!! Well we took a trip to Beijing and that was a lot of
fun. Ok well the kids will tell you they had fun and we have great
pictures but it was quite a working vacation! We realized how spoiled we
are here in Shanghai and how many western comforts we have. The water park there was amazing, they transformed the Olympic aqua park into
this fabulously fun water park. Kids loved it and John did some crazy
demon drop slide. He said there was no line to the slide, which in China
is a really rare thing. He climbed into the capsule and the man locked
the door and a loud countdown started before the plank beneath his feet
retracted. He realized why there was no line to this slide and we
laughed as they must have been thinking look at that crazy American
riding the slide everyone knows NOT TO RIDE.

We have all learned
to understand that the green light here to walk across a street does NOT
mean that it is safe to walk. It simply means that there will be less
things that will hit you , it' s really a ratio thing. So walk when it's
green , but still watch out out for scooters, bikes, cars, buses, well
you get the picture.
I have continued to watch our kids adapt as
the other night Gavin slurped down a bowl of noodles with chopsticks
while holding the bowl close to his mouth.

We are learning badminton and
Savannah is taking up Tai Chi all on her own. At the museum the other
day Gavin got pushed out of the way by a grandmother wanting he
grandchild to have a turn at a laser display. He got really mad and said
why is the "Chinese culture so mean". I explained that a lot of things
Americans do are perceived as mean. He got over it and decided to go
back for another turn only this time when he was done he screamed for
his sister with elbows up and full defensive mode waited for her to get
up to his spot before he would let go of the laser! He had figured out
how this thing works! We have learned a lot about tolerance ,
difference, similarities, such great life lessons for all of us!
Gavin had discovered that women can smoke, apparently he was not aware of this until our move but it continues to surprise him.
generally enjoys being moderately famous. Gavin avoids it except now
and then when he steps out to make sure he is just as famous as her,
when he wants to be.
Gavin continues to give the same answer
when people ask what they can mail him from home: corn dogs. So if anyone
can figure out how to ship corn dogs half way around the world feel free
to let me know.
John and I are starting to understand that not all white people in China are Americans; which is apparently a new insight for us!
Until our next update! Bye!

Photo of a typical alley

Bugs etc.9